Our Vision


AUREA’s goal is to assist in the growth of the aromantic community and advocate for its interests through furthering recognition and education internationally. To do so we assemble information about aromanticism, including vocabulary, research, online resources, links to in-person groups, and printable educational materials. We aim to be a contact point for researchers and media looking to explore the aromantic experiences. Our news feed informs about the ongoing developments in the community.


AUREA is a completely volunteer based initiative. While none of our team is paid, we all are incredibly passionate about developing the best resource for aromantic-spectrum people that we can. You can find more information about our team and our volunteers here.

AUREA is an online organization. As such, our team members occupy many different lands around the world. Many of us live and work on traditional Indigenous land (which might be Native, Aboriginal, Aboriginee, First Nations, or a specific name where you are from). We encourage you to look up who these keepers of your land are. It’s important for us to consider how our daily lives, especially with technology, are affecting the natural world and, in many cases, polluting what has been taken care of for millennia. We encourage you to acknowledge and take responsibility for how your history - past and present - have shaped everyone’s natural and societal homes.

If you are interested in joining AUREA as a full time team member, please email us at contact@aromanticism.org. If you’d like to contribute in a smaller role or aren’t sure where to start, check out our Get Involved page!

Regarding AUREA’s finances, you can find a short explanation here, with a 5-minute audio/video presentation. Our Financial Record can be found here. This details how much we receive and spend per year. If you have any questions, feel free to email us.

Inclusivity Statement

AUREA believes that every person on the aromantic spectrum should feel safe in the community we help create. Furthermore, it is important to us that aromantic people see experiences similar to theirs reflected in what we do. Our goal is to further the recognition of all kinds of aromantics and to contribute to building a community in which everyone is on equal footing.

Aromantic identities unify the community, but many of our other experiences, characteristics, and backgrounds differ. AUREA is committed to embracing those differences and continually representing all aromantic people to the best of our ability.

We strive to build an organization that is dedicated to all aromantics, keeping in mind the needs of those who have been marginalized due to their:

  • sociocultural background, including race, ethnicity, nationality and class,

  • romantic, sexual and other orientations and identities, regardless of how established they may be,

  • gender identities, regardless of how well known they may be,

  • ability and neurotype,

  • language,

  • and other aspects of identity beyond these

We encourage our audience, you, not to hesitate to communicate with us whenever our work can be improved to better serve those values. All feedback we receive about the website is thoroughly reviewed and at the start of every team meeting we discuss how we can further our anti-oppressive practices. To see how we’re doing with our anti-oppressive practices, please refer to our anti-oppression organizational chart.

Our History

Like any good origin story, AUREA began with a burst of proactivity. Many aromantic people have personal blogs, but the lack of response and traction our thoughts receive have made us feel as though we exist in vacuum. It was a thought provoking post from one such personal blog that launched this organization.

AUREA is a volunteer-run initiative. Our aim is to be representatives for the aromantic community. This website is a means for people who aren’t or may be aromantic to get insight into aromanticism from aromantics. AUREA is here to do research, administration, and organization of all our resources.