
We try to be as meticulous as possible in creating this website and updating on the news in the aromantic community, but we won’t always see everything. If you’d like us to know about an event, a discussion happening in the community right now, a blog post, a new term that it seems we missed, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can also contact us if you have a suggestion or an inquiry regarding the website or the content of it. Reach out at

No Soliciting - Please do not email us about paid or sponsored marketing, web design, advertisement, or non-aromantic guest post services.

Follow us on social media:


If you are contacting us to volunteer, please include the position you are applying for in the topic line and write us at Not sure how you can help? See the volunteer page for details on what different positions entail and what to include in your application.


If you are a researcher interested in recruiting aromantics, please write us at, include “RESEARCH” in the topic line of your message, and indicate what participation in your project would entail in the body of the message. If you are interested in acquiring raw data from the most recent Aro Census, use this data request form.

Please also indicate whether your project is affiliated with a particular institution (in terms of being used for an academic degree or being funded by a specific agency). If you need a starting point, please check out the research page for past surveys & research and our research guidelines.


If you would like to share a resource for us to put up on our Resources page, please email us at, include “RESOURCE” in the topic line of your message, and indicate what the resource entails: topic, audience, and medium (pamphlet, website, video, etc). We ask that resources be geared towards aromantics or at least include aromantics. Resources should preferably be accessible and inclusive.


If you have feedback for us, please fill in our feedback form or email us at, include “FEEDBACK” in the topic line of your message.

Media & Interviews

We’re happy to provide information, contacts, or interviews. Please write to us at, include “MEDIA” in the topic line of your message and indicate the topic you’d be interested in covering, your affiliation, and your preferred method of conducting an interview (via email, in person, or online meeting) in the body of the message. If possible, please include a deadline for receiving a contact or interview and an outline or examples of questions.

Past media coverage with the AUREA team:

‘I Queer That’ podcast interview with Darcy

WCN 24/7 interview with Kieran (Ramen)

What is aromanticism? with Alex

Love through Alterous Attraction & Aromanticism with Neir

Some of our favorites from recent coverage:

PinkNews’s video: “Coming out as aromantic | Everything you need to know”

Jackwood magazine’s interview with Nik Hampshire, a black aromantic model

Yasmin Benoit’s portfolio - full of interviews with the asexual and aromantic activist

News Feed

If you would like to contribute a guest post to the news feed, please email us at, include “CONTRIBUTOR - NEWS” in the topic line of your message, and indicate what the contribution entails: topic, audience, and medium (pamphlet, website, video, etc). We ask that guest posts be geared towards aromantics or about aromanticism and created by aromantics. We also ask contributors to style their post according to our style guidelines, which we will provide.